
Each school is associated with one of our park locations. This allows us to provide supervision to kids walking directly from their school to our program.

Here are the schools and their associated Park Site:

Sycamore Elementary: YCO at El Camino Real Park
Prospect Elementary: YCO at Grijalva Park
Cambridge Elementary: YCO at Killefer Park

Register Today!

Here are the forms that need completed as part of the registration process.

Download the three that apply to you (English or Spanish), fill them out and either:

  1. Email them to:

  2. Or bring them with you the day of registration

Required Forms:


Part of our values is that we are a community that gives back in any way possible. We ask that throughout the year you give of your time, talents, and creativity, as specific needs come up within the Youth Centers of Orange.

We will be posting a variety of volunteer opportunities throughout the year for parents and family members to sign up for. You will find updated volunteer opportunities/tasks when you sign your children in and out of each site by scanning a QR code at that location.

We are so excited to do this WITH you!