Our Approach

At Youth Centers of Orange, we operate off the “Triple A Strategy” of youth development. What this means is we provide programming, mentoring, character development and community engagement in the following three areas:


  • Daily Homework Help

  • Tutoring

  • High-Yield Learning Activities


  • Visual Arts

  • Drawing & Painting

  • Crafts

  • Music

  • Digital Arts (Video & Photo)


  • Sports Leagues (futsal, basketball, etc.)

  • Recreation Activities

  • Fitness Activities

We have taken successful, nationally recognized programs and customized them to best address the needs and interests of youth in the City of Orange.

6 Pillars of Character

  1. Trustworthiness: Being honest, reliable, having the courage to do the right thing, loyal

  2. Respect: Follow the Golden Rule. Treat others how you would like to be treated, accept differences, use good manners, be considerate of the feelings of others

  3. Responsibility: Think before you act, set a good example for others, do what you are supposed to do, be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes

  4. Fairness: Play by the rules, take turns and share, listen to others

  5. Caring: Be kind, compassionate, show you care, forgive others, help those who are in need

  6. Citizenship: Be cooperative, get involved in your school and community, be a good neighbor, obey laws, respect authority, volunteer 


Building “BUIC”


  • Knowing the names of kids - greeting them as they enter

  • Artwork displayed on the walls

  • Building friendships and engaged with each other

  • Being responsible for their space and taking accountability of their area 


  • Giving opportunities to kids to help staff and each other

  • Helping with cleaning, organizing areas 


  • Kids can give suggestions or feedback about activities, when appropriate

  • Positively influence


  • Opportunities for learning and showing their talent  

Our Engagement


Our staff and volunteers utilize “A VIP” youth engagement strategy:

  • A-chievement: We help youth build the confidence and develop the skills they need to achieve their full potential

  • V-alues: We intentionally integrate character development and community engagement in all of our programs and activities

  • I-ndividual Attention: Mentoring is the focus of everything we do. The positive personal relationships our staff and volunteers develop with each child are an essential element to our impact and success

  • P-arental Involvement: We engage parents and keep in constant communication with them about their child’s progress and achievements

It is our goal to ensure each young person who passes through our doors leaves better than when they entered.